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한국수산학회 - 2003 광양만 잘피밭에 서식하는 문치가자미 (Limanda yokohamae)의 식성

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,428회 작성일 19-03-11 16:57


Feeding habits of Limanda yokohamae collected from the eelgrass bed in Kwangyang Bay were studied. L. yokohamae (1-16 cm SL) was a carnivore which consumed mainly polychaetes. Its diets included a significant quantity of amphipods (gammarids and caprellids) as well as small quantities of gastropods and ophiuroids. L. yokohamae showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Small individuals less than 4 cm SL preyed mainly on amphipods. However, polychaetes were heavily selected with increasing fish size while the portion of the diet attributable to amphipods decreased sharply. Polychaetes were the major prey organisms for all seasons. Dietary breadth of each size class shows relatively low value, and this means that L. yokohamae depends on only few kinds of food organisms.