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수산자원관리 - 2011 슬래그 매립장의 배가스 주입에 따른 pH복원 및 생태공학적 CO2 제거 방안 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,540회 작성일 19-03-14 13:35


This study is the pH recovery of the P’company’s slag landfill leachate using the injection of carbon dioxide from the LNG exhaust gas and the restoration of ecosystem by ecological engineering approach. LNG exhaust is injected through pipes with flow rate Q = 30 m3/min and pH value is below 8.0. Results of running the MINEQL+ program, the value of carbonic acid species are given as follows. The concentration of TDC(Total Dissolved Carbon) is 0.0018 M at 0.00035 atm of PCO2 and 9.25 of pH in leachate condition and 0.102 M at 0.03 atm of PCO2, and 8.18 of pH in LNG exhaust gas injection(30 m3/min) condition, respectively. The amount of LNG exhaust gas is eliminated about 132.60 tonC/year. Elimination of excess TDC results in creation of artificial seaweed beds which is consumed about 159.46 tonC/year by seaweeds. The primary production increase and some new algae, benthos and fishes species in artificial seaweed beds. This result indicate that the small-scale ecosystem occur around artificial seaweed beds with succession.